

✓ Academic Scholarship
    • Rank 1
    • Rank 2
✓ Rector’s Scholarship for Outstanding Students
✓ Msgr. Sinforiano Fuerte Scholarship


✓ Student Assistance Privilege Program
✓ Sports Scholarship Grants
✓ Publication Scholarship
✓ Scholarship for Capiz Clergy & Religious Sisters
✓ Employee’s Privilege
✓ Government Mandated Scholarship
    • P.D. 577
    • P.D. 451
✓ REED Scholarship
✓ 3 Siblings Scholarship
✓ Archdiocesan Scholarship
✓ Board of Trustees Scholarship
✓ Scholarship from Identified Catholic Schools


✓ TESDA Scholarships
✓ CHED Scholarship programs
✓ SM Foundation Scholarship
✓ Nora S. Villanueva Scholarship
✓ Special Program for Employment of Students

The Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion Scholarship Program (CPC-SP) aims to help poor but deserving, qualified and outstanding students who themselves are willing to devote their time towards the completion of a professional degree. Students, who wish to avail of the various scholarship grants, aid and subsidies being offered by CPC, are expected to work for the welfare of CPC and the community in general. As such, CPC scholars are expected to promote the Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of the College, including the Christian values and Catholic faith. 

Primarily, CPC-SP is open to applicants coming from poor families. Applicants whose parents have a combined annual earning is less than PHP 150,000 will be given priority.

General Guidelines

a. CPC-SP scholars cannot enjoy multiple grants, financial subsidies and other forms of aid whether coming from private individuals, corporations, government, LGU.

b. CPC scholars who wish to avail of other funding regardless of amount coming from local government units, congressional districts and other government subsidiaries must first secure approval from the Rector and Director for Student Affairs and Services. Failure to do so automatically suspends the scholarship given for a particular semester and said student will have to pay the full amount of tuition and miscellaneous fees.

c. Scholars with approved grants from other sources as mentioned above cannot ask for a deducted refund of tuition and miscellaneous fee as the grant provided by CPC is not refundable at all times. The various scholarships being offered to qualified students are waiver of any payments expected of all students. Hence, in cases of refund due to other approved scholarship or grants, CPC reserves the right to compute 100 percent of the amount of the total tuition and miscellaneous fees.

Application Procedure

STEP 1. Submit filled up application form (F-OSA-038) and other required documents to the office of Student Affairs and Services (SAS) for evaluation.

STEP 2. Interview with the Director of SAS.

STEP 3. Pass the Admission Examination by the Guidance Services Office.

STEP 4. Register at the Registrar’s Office.

STEP 5. Submit to SAS office a photocopy of study load.

This scholarship is offered to students who have the potential to finish an academic degree but whose parents (combined) are earning below PHP150,000 per annum. The scholar is offered free tuition but also works for a specified number of hours in the different offices of the College. Working students, residing in CPC, belong to this category of scholarship.

Application Requirements

1. Form 138 (report card) / previous grades (photocopy);
2. Baptismal Certificate;
3. Recommendation from Parish Priest;
4. Income Tax Return of parents or the Certification of Indigency from the Office of the Barangay Captain (attesting residence & Family Income Status);
5. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from the School last attended);
6. Certificate of Admission from CPC Guidance Office; and 7. Two (2) 2×2 ID pictures (with collar / with white background).

Retention Policy

The student should:
1. submit the following:
a. REG-F-005 – Study Load
b. F-OSA-016 – Duty Time (21 hours weekly)
c. F-OSA-012 – Evaluation
d. F-OSA-013 – Renewal Form
e. F-OSA-011 – Grades;
2. have no failure, incomplete (INC), no grade (NG); and dropped marks in all subjects; and
3. have no disciplinary issue in school (as per articles on Student Discipline of the College Student Handbook).

Privileges/ Restrictions/ Others

1. Free Tuition:
1st – 3rd Years: 18 units, regular term / 6 units, summer term
4th (5th) Years: 21 units regular term / 6 units, Summer term
2. Miscellaneous, Laboratory, NSTP fees and Insurances are to be paid
3. One cannot avail of this scholarship during his/her Internship period.
4. Scholarship period: maximum of 5 years
included in the scholarship.


Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion (CPC), the School of the Archdiocese of Capiz, is campaigning for scholarship subsidy program, “Adopt a Purisimian”, for incoming first year college students


The student grantees will be receiving a ₱5,000.00 subsidy for one semester and thereafter subject to the compliance of requirements for the scholarship program.


Eligibility and Documentary Requirements

a. The applicant must belong to a poor family and economically affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

b. The applicant must present a certification from the (BEC) Basic Ecclesial Community signed by the Parish/Mission Station Priest stating that one parent or both parents lost their job/source of income due to the pandemic.

c. The applicant must not be a recipient of any full scholarship grants, institutional or scholarship from public and private agencies and organizations.

d. For new application, the applicant must be an incoming first year college student enrolled in any program at CPC except BS Marine Engineering.

e. The applicant must have a general average of least 80 in Senior High School.

2. Procedures

a. New Application

a.1. Interested applicants can go to the Office of the Scholarship Coordinator, visit the official Facebook page: CPC- Office of the Scholarship Coordinator, or email thru

a.2. Applicant must fill up the Personal Data Sheet to be provided by the Scholarship Coordinator.

a.3. Applicant must submit the following

a.2.1. SHS Form 138 (Report Card)

a.2.2. Certification from the (BEC) Basic Ecclesial Community signed by the Parish/Mission Station Priest

a.2.3. Recommendation Letter from the Dean of his/her department

a.2.4. Photocopy of validated identification card

a.2.5. Photocopy of approved study load

a.4. The applicant shall undergo an interview with the Scholarship Coordinator and OSAS Director.

a.5. All application will undergo thorough evaluation with the “Adopt a Purisimian Scholarship” Screening Committee.

a.6. Approved grantees will be notified through a letter informing them of the successful application.

a.7. The grantees shall sign a contract.

This scholarship is offered to Elementary and Senior High School graduates who ranked first and second in their batch.

Application Requirements

1.  Form 138 (report card);
2. Certification from the Principal (as Rank 1 and/or Rank 2 of the graduating class- Grade 6 or Grade 12);
3. Baptismal Certificate;
4. Recommendation from Parish Priest;
5. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from last school attended);
6. Admission test result from the CPC Guidance Services Center; Two (2) 2×2 ID pictures (with collar / with white background). 

Retention Policy

The scholar should:

1.   enroll the full study load as prescribed by his/her curriculum per semester;
2.  have a general weighted average (previous semester) of not less than 1.50 (94-96), with no grade not less than 2.00 (88-90) and has not incurred incomplete (INC) and/or failure marks in any subject;
3.  have not dropped (officially & unofficially) any subject; and 
4.  have not been subjected to any disciplinary action (as per articles on Student Discipline of the College Student Handbook). 

Should the Rank 2 excel, he/she can apply for Rector’s Scholarship after two (2) years to avail of free full tuition and miscellaneous fees. The scholar should:
4.1. maintain a general weighted average of than 95 and above with no grade lower than 88 and has no failure marks in any subject;
4.2. not be dropped (officially & unofficially) in any subject; and 

5. not have been subjected to any disciplinary action (as per articles on Student Discipline of the College Student Handbook). 

Privileges/ Restrictions/ Others


1.   Rank 1: 50% tuition fee discount for every semester (without prejudice to retention policy of the academic programs).
2.  Sumer is not included unless it is part of the curriculum.
3.  Miscellaneous, Laboratory, NSTP, and other fees are to be paid.
4.  MARINE EDUCATION          is         not included in the scholarship.  


1. A full free tuition (100%) for the whole Grade 7 A.Y. is granted to a learner who ranks number 1 in the elementary graduating class duly certified by the school principal of the school where he/she graduated with an average of 95 and above. 

5. Miscellaneous, Laboratory, Genyo, and other fees are to be paid.

This is an academic scholarship (for tertiary level only) that pertains directly to the outstanding academic performance and other academic achievements of students including research and community service

Application Requirements

1. Only students with General Weighted Average – 1.25 (97-99) can apply for the scholarship.
2. Only one (1) scholar is selected per academic year.
3. He/she must be enrolled full time based on course curriculum requirement in Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion for four (4) successive semesters (2 A.Y.);
4. A certified true copy of his previous grades with general weighted average duly signed by the Dean and the Registrar;
5. A copy of his/her study load (F-REG-005) of the previous semester;
6. Transferee-students cannot avail of this scholarship.

Retention Policy

The recipient/grantee should comply with the following requirements per semester:
1. he/she must carry the full study load as prescribed by his/her curriculum per semester;
2. he/she should maintain the specified weighted average, that is, not less than 1.25 (97-99) and no grade below 1.75 (91-93) in any of his/her subjects in the previous semester;
3. he/she must not drop any of his/her subject, otherwise, he/she loses the scholarship;
4. he/she has not been subjected to any disciplinary action (as per articles on Student Discipline of the College Student Handbook).

Privileges/ Restrictions/ Others

1. FREE full tuition (as prescribed by curriculum per semester)
2. FREE Miscellaneous Fee (except Laboratory, NSTP, ID, Insurance, Developmental, PRISAA. College Day, School Papers, Red Cross, Energy and
OSIRIS {Online School Information and
Registration Services] fees.)

MARINE EDUCATION is not included in the scholarship.


This is an academic In recognition of the achievement of Rt. Rev. Msgr. Sinforiano Fuerte, the second Rector of this institution, who contributed to the expansion of CPC, this scholarship is particularly offered to Civil and Electrical Engineering students. Only two civil engineering and two electrical engineering students are admitted to the scholarship per academic year.

Application Requirements

1. A Senior High School student’s general weighted average should not be lower than 90;
2. Certification on the Academic Standing of the Student from the Principal (from last school attended);
3. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from last school attended);
4. Recommendation Letter from the Parish Priest; and
5. Pass the qualifying examination by the CET in addition to the admission test by Guidance Services Center.

Retention Policy

The scholar is expected:
1. to have a GWA of 2.00 (88-90) with no grade lower than 2.25 (85-87);
2. not to have been subjected to any disciplinary action (as per articles on Student Discipline of the College Student Handbook);
3. not to shift to other courses other than engineering courses in the same school, otherwise, the scholar will have to refund the tuition fees from the period he availed of the scholarship;
4. to enroll the full study load as prescribed by his/her curriculum per semester.

Privileges/ Restrictions/ Others

1. FREE full tuition for one semester.
2. Miscellaneous, laboratory, NSTP fees and insurances are to be paid.
3. Summer class tuition fee is to be paid personally when it is not part of the regular curriculum.

NOTE: Upon disqualification from scholarship and upon transfer to other course in the College, he may continue his schooling by paying his current tuition fees only. But should he transfer to another school, he is obliged to pay his total tuition fees computed from the period he started to avail of the scholarship.

This scholarship is granted to students (for College ONLY) who have talent and experience as members of the editorial board and who will become part of the CPC Publications.

Application Requirements

1. pass the examination by the publication office;
2. submit a recommendation letter from former publication adviser (in the absence of recommendation, a GPA of 85 in English will suffice);
3. pass the interview by the Purisimian Publication adviser.

Retention Policy

The scholar should:
1. have no grades lower than 2.5 (82-84) in all subjects;
2. be able to publish per semester one (1) Purisimian magazine and one (1) Purisimian newspaper. If required publication is not met (per semester), the scholarship will be forfeited;
3. have not been subjected to any disciplinary action (as per articles on Student Discipline of the College Student Handbook).

Privileges/ Restrictions/ Others

Editor-in-Chief 80 % of 24 units
Associate Ed 50 % of 24 units
Managing Ed 50 % of 24 units
Layout/Graphics Ed 50 % of 24 units

MARINE EDUCATION is not included in the scholarship.

This scholarship is offered to students who have the potential to finish an academic degree but whose parents (combined) are earning below PHP150,000 per annum. The scholar is offered free tuition but also works for a specified number of hours in the different offices of the College. Working students, residing in CPC, belong to this category of scholarship.

Application Requirements

1. Form 138 (report card) / previous grades (photocopy);
2. Baptismal Certificate;
3. Recommendation from Parish Priest;
4. Income Tax Return of parents or the Certification of Indigency from the Office of the Barangay Captain (attesting residence & Family Income Status);
5. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from the School last attended);
6. Certificate of Admission from CPC Guidance Office; and 7. Two (2) 2×2 ID pictures (with collar / with white background).

Retention Policy

The student should:
1. submit the following:
a. REG-F-005 – Study Load
b. F-OSA-016 – Duty Time (21 hours weekly)
c. F-OSA-012 – Evaluation
d. F-OSA-013 – Renewal Form
e. F-OSA-011 – Grades;
2. have no failure, incomplete (INC), no grade (NG); and dropped marks in all subjects; and
3. have no disciplinary issue in school (as per articles on Student Discipline of the College Student Handbook).

Privileges/ Restrictions/ Others

1. Free Tuition:
1st – 3rd Years: 18 units, regular term / 6 units, summer term
4th (5th) Years: 21 units regular term / 6 units, Summer term
2. Miscellaneous, Laboratory, NSTP fees and Insurances are to be paid
3. One cannot avail of this scholarship during his/her Internship period.
4. Scholarship period: maximum of 5 years
included in the scholarship.

This is the scholarship offered to poor and deserving students taking up Religious Education and in the process, who are expected to help their parish/quasiparish/mission station.

The parents’ combined income must be not more than P150,000 per annum.

Every parish/quasiparish/mission station is entitled to one (1) REED scholar. Having more than one scholar will be subject to approval of College Rector and to the availability of slots.

Application Requirements

The applicant must:
1. be a Senior High School graduate from any school recognized by the government;
2. not be more than 25 years old;
3. have the general weighted average of not less than 85%;
4. be recommended by the Parish Priest;
5. submit application two (2) months before the opening of classes.

Retention Policy

A REED scholar is expected to:
1. observe good behavior in and out of the campus and should not have been subjected to any disciplinary action (as per articles on Student Discipline of the College Student Handbook);
2. be loyal to the College, honest and dedicated in the tasks assigned to them. They must always report punctually to meetings, recollections, catechism classes and in other activities assigned them in the school and in the parish where they belong;
3. help the Christian Formation Department in terms of office works, service to Retreats and Recollections, and other activities organized by the department without prejudice to his need to attend his/her classes;
4. maintain a grade of 2.5 (82-84%) in all subjects and a general weighted average (from previous semester) of 2.25 (85-87%);
5. submit to the SAS office during 1st semester enrollment, the summer evaluation report signed by his/her parish priest;
6. render return service to his/her (quasi) parish/mission station or to any archdiocesan institution by doing the task/s assigned to him/her by his/her respective parish/mission station priest every weekend within his/her 4-year study. Noncompliance of this provision will require the scholar to fully pay the tuition fees from the time he/she availed of the privilege;
7. may take the LET examination, with the permission of Parish/Mission Station priest, without prejudice to the no. 6.

Privileges/ Restrictions/ Others

50% Tuition fee discount every semester.
To all incoming First year REED scholars.
Overload beyond the required and prescribed units in the curriculum program and year will be paid by the scholars.
They must pay for the Developmental Fee, Fees for PRISAA, College Day, School Papers, Red Cross, NSTP, I.D., Insurance and Miscellaneous and Laboratory (for new students).
Summer classes are not included in the privilege.
Should the REED scholar decide to discontinue with the scholarship at any period/term and transfer to another course, he/she is obliged to pay the total tuition fees computed from the period he/she started to avail of the scholarship.
Failure to renew the Religious Education Students Privilege on the specified deadline will result in the forfeiture of the privilege, and the scholar is obliged to pay the total tuition fees computed from the period he/she started to avail of the scholarship. Any falsification/ withholding of information in connection with the terms and conditions of the privilege program will be subject to disqualification and will also be subject to the same financial sanctions.

This scholarship is open to (incoming College and Junior High School)) students who graduated from identified catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Capiz, that is, St. Catherine Academy, St. Lawrence the Deacon Parochial School, Our Lady of Snows Institute, Parochial School of St. Isidore, and Nuestra Señora del Pilar Parochial School.

Application Requirements

1. From 138 (Report Card) or a photocopy of his/her previous grades;
2. Baptismal Certificate;
3. Letter of Recommendation from his/her parish priest;
4. Letter of Recommendation from his/her principal to show that the applicant is a bona fide student of such school and that he/she deserves the scholarship;
5. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the school he/she last attended;
6. Admission Test Result from the CPC Guidance Services Center, and
7. Two (2) pieces of his/her latest 2 x 2 ID picture

Retention Policy

The scholar should:
1. maintain a general weighted average/per semester of not lower than 2.25 (85-87) and no grade below 2.50 (82-84) in any subject;
2. not drop any subject, otherwise, he/she loses the scholarship;
3. act with proper decorum in and off campus to show that he/she is fit to be called a Purisimian scholar;
4. not have been subjected to any disciplinary action (as per articles on Student Discipline of the College Student Handbook);
5. to finish a college degree within the tenure of the program.

Privileges/ Restrictions/ Others

1. 25% discount on tuition fees (regular load only, that is, as required by a specific program per semester). Miscellaneous and other fees are to be paid.
2. Overload is not included in the discount
3. MARINE EDUCATION is not included in the scholarship.

This scholarship is given to children of CPC employees.

Application Requirements

1. Single not more than 22 years old only applicable to BSUCollege (HEI);
2. NSO Live Birth
3. Baptismal Certificate, and
4. Children of regular employees married in the Catholic Church.

For couples who are regular employees of the College, only one (1) student child can avail of scholarship grant program.

Retention Policy

The scholar should:
1. finish a grade school/ high school/ college degree within the tenure of the program;
2. not have been subjected to any disciplinary action (as per articles on Student Discipline of the College Student Handbook).
3. Upon application/reapplication, attach and submit privilege form, grades and study load to the Scholarship Coordinator.

Privileges/ Restrictions/ Others

1. FREE tuition is granted to one child at a time;
2. Miscellaneous, Laboratory, School Paper, NSTP/CMT fees and Insurances are to be paid; and
3. Scholarship includes summer term
4. OJT/ Internship fees are not included.
5. Subjects repeated/re-taken because of failure/incomplete or dropped marks will be paid personally by the student-scholar.
6. MARINE EDUCATION is not included in the scholarship.

This scholarship is given to one (1) of the three siblings simultaneously enrolled in the College (Pre-School, Maritime Education, College of Law and Graduate School are not included in the privilege).

Application Requirements

1. The siblings must submit the following:
-NSO Live Birth
-Baptismal Certificate.
2. One of the siblings must not be more than 22 years old.

Retention Policy

The recipient/ grantee should:
1. maintain a weighted average of not lower than 2.25 and no grade below 2.5 in any of his/her subject; 2. attend his/her classes regularly. Once dropped from any of the subject, the scholar loses the scholarship;
3. not have been subjected to any disciplinary action (as per articles on Student Discipline of the College
Student Handbook);
4. act with proper decorum in and off campus to show that he/she is fit to be called a Purisimian scholar

Privileges/ Restrictions/ Others

1. FREE full tuition is granted to the sibling with the lowest tuition fee.
2. Miscellaneous, Laboratory, NSTP, Internship, Genyo & Schoology and other fees are not included (unless when SHS sibling enjoys the privilege).
3. The other siblings cannot enjoy other scholarships given by institution once this privilege is used.
3. In the case of a sibling enjoying government subsidy like SHS, the privilege will be applied to the payment of miscellaneous fees with the exceptions of Genyo and Schoology payments. included in the scholarship.